

Page history last edited by Jane Secker 13 years, 7 months ago

Cambridge Curriculum for Information Literacy: expert workshop

21st June 2011, Fuchs House, Wolfson College Cambridge


Aim of day

To collect feedback on our research to date and to assess the appropriateness of the draft curriculum for information literacy. We will use this feedback to produce a second iteration of the curriculum by the project end date (8th July 2011).


Outline timetable for day

10.30 - 11am coffee available

11am - 11.15am Introductions and welcome (JN) Background to the project and our research

11.15am - 11.45 Presentation of the curriculum - key attributes and content JS and EC

11.45 - 12.30 Comments and questions

12.30 -13.30 Lunch with wine

13.30 - 14.30 Discussion groups with brief report back

14.45 - 15.00 Final feedback and wrap up



1) Powerpoint slides - providing background and context available on SlideShare

2) Coding frame - themes emerging from expert interviews

3) The draft curriculum - Information for learning: 10 strands

4) Six tips for transforming your teaching

5) Supporting diagrams on Gliffy

6) Best practice example form


Feedback form for experts not attending the workshop

We have invited a number of experts to provide us with feedback who are not able to attend the workshop. If you'd like to provide us with any feedback on the resources above and our approach to the curriculum please read through the documentation above and then complete the online form


Many thanks for your interest in our project!

Jane and Emma

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