These are notes from a short discussion about the new SCONUL 7 pillars model at the English faculty with various Cambridge librarians, including Libby Tilley, Niamh Page, Nazreem from Christs, Anna Jones (Wolfson), Hugh Taylor (UL), Careers service librarian.
We started discussing the new model to find out what people thought about it - did they think it was improved? What did they think of the researcher lens. The feeling was the model needed a more practical implementation for people to use it more effectively. But there was a sense that information literacy was very dependent on disciplines. We also talked about how students skills vary so greatly depending on their previous experience, their country of origin and the subject they were studying. The initial discussion also focused on whether the pillars represent the ideal of where a student / researcher should be if they are information literate. We returned later to discussing levels and 'competencies' for information literacy and how these develop as a student progresses through their studies from first year undergrad level through to third year and then to postgraduate level.
The group talked about the need for a central body to make a statement about information literacy across Cambridge as Schools and Faculties vary so much in their provision. A body such as the UL was suggested as leading on this but it would need buy in from across Cambridge which would be difficult.
People talked about the need for a practical programme where you could pick and choose the sessions you should run in your own library depending on needs. The group also talked about how departmental examples were great, but could make it difficult to see how it applied in another context. The example of the work Transkills have done with Life Sciences was mentioned as being great, but this has not been rolled out at all by some Schools.
There was some discussion on the need to audit students, to find out the level they were at. Perhaps a self-assessment tool for students which would show them where they needed help and to improve their skills. This could be developed around the SCONUL 7 pillars, with perhaps 2 actions students should be able to do per pillar.
There was also a discussion about whether a PDP - a porfolio might be a way that students could illustrate they were information literate - so if they attended (and presumably were assessed in some way) IL sessions this was recorded formally. Information literacy and the link with employability was also mentioned. LSE started to go down this route but the project was abandoned - I'm not entirely clear why, but the group were interested in this idea.
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