The following notes were written by Jane and Emma on 3rd May 2011 initially on a whiteboard.
Relevant Models of Information Literacy
SCONUL 7 pillars - the new version
FutureLab digital literacy model
Researcher Development Framework
Learning Literacies - LLIDA project
People to talk to
Ruth Stubbings and Moira Bent
Sheila Webber and Sheila Corrall
Transkills Project: Helen, Corinne, Marianne
Amyas and Anne-Sophie at CARET (13 Things for Curriculum Design)
Leeds info matrix people
Anna Jones, Wolfson
How do we define information literacy (-ies)?
Information literacy (IL) - traditional library approach, possibly too narrow
Information skills (IS) - wider but still library-based
Digital literacy - possibly hard to define, e.g. what Jane does is different from what Emma assumed!
Learning literacy or literacies
Are we taking a holistic view and tackling the whole information cycle behind e.g. researching and writing an essay?
What do you need to do with information?
Students need to:
- Find information
- Evaluate it
- Analyse it
- Manage it
- Use/synthesise it
... and as a preliminary to this process they must
- Recognise the need for information
They also need critical thinking skills - the traditional 'academic' skills:
- Source evaluation
- Ability to read 'against the grain' of the argument, judge use of evidence
- Ability to analyse arguments and compare viewpoints
- Ability to form an argument
Specific digital skill:
- Capacity to determine authority & authenticity of digital information - physical format yields lots of clues, but online everything is just a link
What skills and competencies are needed?
Skills audit - e.g. a checklist of what the institution needs
Create a diagnostic tool for students to evaluate their own skills and competencies
GDP-style evaluative questionnaire - novice to expert?
A Researcher Development Framework for u/grads?
The curriculum must be ...
flexible and adaptable
include active learning
take account of a range of learning styles
sustainable post-project
Avoid assigning the curriculum to specific roles, e.g. librarian/learning developer/academic - join it up so no-one can argue that "it's not my area"!
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